Kevin Alavi
I might shock you when I say the following: Be replaceable (at work). Think about it, but don’t take it so literally. What kind of p...
Silvester de Keijzer
Culture is like a brand. It is misunderstood and often discounted as a touchy-feely component of business that belongs to...
Mack Story
Ria and I just finished conducting a 4 hour workshop for a consulting firm on Change Happens: Leading Yourself and Others throug...
Mitt Romney spoke to the Stanford GSB community in April. | Stacy H. Geiken
Mitt Romney may be best known for being the Republican candidate who r...
Jan-Emmauel De Neve and George Ward
Since most of us spend a great deal of our lives working, it is inevitable that work plays a...
Oleg Vishnepolsky
This chart applies to every profession, but it is most pronounced in technical, teaching, medical, law enforcement, sales...
2月6日上午,中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十二次会议审议通过了《新时期产业工人队伍建设改革方案》。 2017年是实施“十三五”规划的重要一年,也是供给侧结构...
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Effective leadership is the difference between mediocrity and greatness
Gordon Tredgold
About six months ago...
Davide Migali
In a globally competitive market, attracting and retaining talent should be every company's top priority.
vinita surana
Ever wondered what’s that slight difference when two people have the same skill set and one of them gets hired? Or t...
Seyi Fabode
In 2015, when I sat down to read all of Warren Buffett's annual letters from the 10 years prior, the world was, shall w...
Robert Frith
This is an area where your firm will succeed if you get it right or fail if you continually get it wrong.
To analyse...
CREDIT: Getty Images
Who wouldn't want to work for a boss like this?
Marcel Schwantes
A friend recently told me about a previous&n...
CREDIT: Getty Images
It's wisdom gleaned from one of the longest longitudinal studies ever conducted.
Melanie Curtin