This is an area where your firm will succeed if you get it right or fail if you continually get it wrong.
To analyse this properly, it may be worth establishing how you can get this wrong. Perhaps it will be in the preparation of the role or job that you see your prospective employee doing. Consider what type of person you want to hire as well as writing a clear and concise job specification for the role.
Profile the person who will be working with you, in your own mind, the type of person, the experience they will have and also, perhaps most clearly their attitude, aptitude and what they can bring to the role you give them. This will then enable you to pen picture the person in the role.
Any star employee will not just 'do' the job, they will add to the role. So give the role some 'future proofing'. Establish some milestones whereby after 3 months, 6 months or even after a year, you will feel that they are adding value to the firm.
With this firmly in mind, then advertise and engage recruitment professionals in the appropriate specialised field.
At interview it is most uncomfortable for both parties if you launch in to technical areas too soon. Understand that you fit both culturally and in style. Thereafter you may wish to set time aside to discover the technical attributes of the potential employee. Do not be disappointed as many will not come up to scratch, however, also understand that if they fall a little short then the role will have challenges, which is a very good aspect.
Everyone likes to be challenged if they admit it or not, but they also wish to have a comfortable environment in which to perform. They will perform to their best when feeling safe and secure.
Any employees worried about their job will spend too much time considering their future rather than doing the job in hand. Think about it..