In 2015, when I sat down to read all of Warren Buffett's annual letters from the 10 years prior, the world was, shall we say, slightly less interesting. China was or was not in a slowdown, the US stock market was or was not in a bubble and the EU was or was not collapsing. The only thing you can add to those issues above, two years down the line, is that some countries are more, shall we say, nationalistic.
Warren Buffett released the most recent version of his annual letter a few days ago, and I felt it would be a good time to update my learnings by reading the 2015 and 2016 annual letters. So, here goes the (mostly) non-obvious business and life lessons from reading 12 years of Berkshire Hathaway letters to its shareholders.
Things change but things stay the same, we just find new ways to alarm ourselves about them…