It's always easier to advise someone else than to advise ourself.
The question is why we are not so persuadable advisers when become the matter for us. Apparently we know what, how and when we would like to do something (it can be about changing our job, starting our own business, moving to another city,...) however then appears a blockade of a big "but" and with a large proportion.
How to make a step forward if we are stumbled by the gap between our inner guidance and our acts.
We are responsible for our lives and we all know we are not here forever, yet inclined to be slightly burning in the fire, instead to jump out of the frying pan.
Inducing the belief of a positive resolution is crucial here - appearing of a strong demand to change our minds in order to change our acts and our lives.
For that it's needed that our inner fire is brighter than any our suspicion. The demur must be erased.
That because the real challenge is to act, although we are aware that there is no 100 % of guaranty of success.
For me the most precious skill is the ability to reverse the wrong into the right, in all aspects of life, though it was our own decision that leads to the undesirable resolution.
Of course we can't smooth difficulties or undesirable consequences with a fairy magic bar. Nonetheless, we should be prepared in advance even for an undesirable solution. Furthermore, we should be able to face up and if necessary, potentially, we should be able to squeeze out something better from our own wrong decision, rather than allow for the uncertainty makes us to draw back.
At the end someone will be built much stronger and more successful from that fire lighting inside us.