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The Very Hot Secret to a Very Long Life

2017-02-02 17:18:08 来源:职工文化网 浏览:1318

CREDIT: Getty Images


A hot pepper a day just might keep the doctor away

Peter Economy


We all want to live forever--or, if not forever, at least a long time. As a result, people are always trying new ways to extend their lives. They drink more cold-pressed juices, eat kale by the shopping bag full, and walk swinging their arms more aggressively because of the latest findings in the news reports every day.

And while we all know that the actual secret to a long, healthy life is pursuing a regular diet, consistent exercise, and making sure that your body doesn't get overridden with stress, is there more we can do to prolong our lives?

Turns out, the answer is yes.


In a recent study published by the University of Vermont, researchers found that eating spicy food may actually cause you to live longer. But how does that work exactly, you might ask?

Spices and peppers have long been shown to be beneficial for those suffering from diseases, a practice that dates back as far as mankind has existed on this planet. Yet, there is surprisingly little scientific research behind their positive medicinal effects; in fact, only one other recent study analyzes the correlation between chili peppers and mortality.

The 2017 study conducted by the Larner College of Medicine at University of Vermont pulled data from National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) III data collected from more than 16,000 Americans from across 23 years. Participants were asked to provide baseline characteristics, alongside their respective levels of hot chili pepper consumption.

Ultimately, it was found that those who consumed greater amounts of hot chili peppers possessed a 17% lower mortality rate than those who did not, notably in deaths related to heart disease or stroke. The reason for the preventative action of hot chili peppers could potentially be attributed to the fact that the protein channel activated by the spice--capsaicin--may be responsible for the observed relationship.

Further research between consumption of generally spicy food--and perhaps, certain spices in particular--is necessary to further qualify the study and best provide readers with the ultimate key to living a long, healthy life. But it appears that at least one secret to living a long life might be easily found at your local grocery store.



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