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Secrets to Surging your SELF-CONFIDENCE

2017-02-05 09:57:30 来源:职工文化网 浏览:1209




Ever wondered what’s that slight difference when two people have the same skill set and one of them gets hired? Or two people have the similar backgrounds and one of them gets the girl? Why do some people seem to do everything while others struggle to do even one thing right?

In my view, its SELF-CONFIDENCE! Of course it is related to self esteem, believing in yourself and self worth. But the major theme is confidence.

So everyone keeps saying boost your confidence or increase your self-reliance, but the key question is How?

Some of the tips that I have found extremely helpful are:

Posture and eye contact Simple things such as standing up tall, or sitting straight, or having power poses( hands on your hips etc) make a huge difference in the way you feel. Even having a practice of eye contact can really change the way the opposite person perceives you.

Embrace and give compliments! And everytime you do this just take a pause, a moment of reflection, 9 out of 10 times you will feel awesome about yourself in either cases.

Motivating podcasts and blogs  have them in your routine, read inspiring books on how people overcame their barriers. Have a morning and evening reminder of how you can inculcate this in your life and feel even more certain and confident about yourself.

Everyday should be sincere practice  from moving from your insecurities to believing in yourself, expanding your comfort zone and above all breaking the inner glass ceiling or limited thought pattern. Inch by inch, thought by thought.

Taking good care of yourself Whether it is hitting the gym to stay fit, eating healthy or even buying that new dress (or makeup for women) can be complementary factors adding to your game.

Disclaimer: You also have to feel comfortable in what you do or wear otherwise it defeats the purpose

You are the king or queen of your own world! Don’t let the society, religion, your friends or your family bring you down. What they think or say about you has nothing to do with who you actually capable of.

Invest in creating a network of your well-wishers, these are the people who believe in you. By even meeting or thinking of them you feel so good and confident about yourself.

It’s all about how you feel about yourself, either by adding something external or doing the inner work with your thoughts (breaking the mind conditioning) ! The bottom line is feeling confident is synonymous to feeling good, proud, happy about yourself.

And from this confident space of trusting yourself you will get the dream job, the dream body and maybe even the dream girl!



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